Chocolate lover?
Bean-to-Bar Artisan?
Here is the guide to chocolate
from bean to bar!
- The ethics of bean-to-bar
- Chocolate making process
- Savor mindfully...
The book

The project
Mmh... authors
Gastronome writer, discovered bean-to-bar chocolate in South Korea for the first time, and since then, she has never been able to go back to regular chocolate. She travels all over the world to meet those who craft chocolate.
Dietitian-nutritionist, it is thanks to Matcha that she discovers bean-to-bar chocolate. Her approach to mindful eating makes her an expert taster, always curious to discover new chocolate bars.
diététicienne-nutritionniste c’est grâce à Matcha qu’elle découvre le chocolat bean-to-bar. Son approche de l’alimentation en pleine conscience fait d’elle une dégustatrice experte et toujours curieuse de découvrir de nouvelles tablettes.

Chocolate enthusiast?
Artisan Bean-to-Bar?
Here is the guide to chocolate
from bean to bar!
- The ethics of bean-to-bar
- Chocolate making step by step
- Mindful tasting
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